Need serious Help!! bot isnt skinning just killing mobs Im new to this whole thing and I must be doing something wrong, im trying to do some skinning and all the dang thing is doing is killing stuff and running to another mob, i have it set to grindbot and then i load the profile i found on website. . . and im not sure if im just not loading the stuff right or if im putting the things in the right folder can i get some help pls. . .i dont want to feel like i wasted my money. (arch is going good,. . .but still gets boring just watching it bot lol)
in honorbuddy click "Settings and tools" then check the "Advanced mode" checkbox, scroll down and you should see a checkbox for skinning, make sure its checked.
ok yea i just saw someone elses thread and saw that. . .i didnt even know u could scrool down. . .im really sorry and thx for helping me.