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  • Need Some Help with Buying Parchments and Inks

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Jackels, Jun 23, 2014.

    1. Jackels

      Jackels Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      Topic name says it all.

      Making a simple profile to make mysterious fortune cards while I'm at work since it takes forever otherwise.

      My problem is that it is trading inks and buying parchments way too slow, 1 at a time, and I already had tried something I figured would work, it worked with the inks but when I came home it had bought 4200 parchments and obviously that just isn't right.

      Someone with a better knowledge than me, can you please give me some insight on what I can out in there so it'll read how many inks I have and act accordingly? I looked around at other peoples shuffle profiles but not quite sure exactly they're doing.

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    2. Jackels

      Jackels Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      Nevermind, I figured it out for the most part, now it's just buying slightly too many parchments for my starlight ink.

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