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  • Needing help with prof buddy. Reposted as requested.

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Methal, Sep 19, 2011.

    1. Methal

      Methal New Member

      Jul 31, 2011
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      Quick rehash of what has been going on, or rather not going on.

      PB not working on anything but the AH buddy. The others attempt to ignore the PB profile and follow only the quest profile that I load. If its kicks blank questing profile it ends with the message in the OP in the above link.

      If its any other profile it either does nothing, or attempt to fly to where the questing starts.

      For some reason it has issues with my cooking, which it has done in the last 3 releases and all installs that I have done.

      Before attempting to answer read the SHORT thread linked above so you don't make yourself look useless for re-asking questions already asked and answered there...shame I actually have to say that =/ but I know someone is going to say something like "done yur haf clorked teh start button sted ov teh stop buttnen?"

      Log included

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    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      grab the latest PB version via svn

      more info on PB thread

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