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  • Needs fixin' just a rant click at own risk!

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by Wantmymoneyback, Jul 22, 2015.

    1. Wantmymoneyback

      Wantmymoneyback New Member

      Oct 4, 2014
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      We seriously should be able to start the MS 15-50 quest bot in orderbot from any point in the main scenario quest line can this not be done?

      The fact that if i do a few quests on my own the bot won't pick up where i left off... teleport me to where i need to be and carry on w the new quests is bizarre.
      It's been out for around 5 months now you would think this would have been fixed/implemented.
      I have yet been able to use the profile ever since i did a few quests on my own while rebornbuddy was down
      It wants me as a novice user to expect what ..

      -[18:40:38.457 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to MoveToTag: LineNumber: 5646, XYZ: <-23.72784, -40.25083, 174.8835>, Name: Gogolata, Distance: 3, UseMesh: True, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
      [18:40:38.457 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 953b36b1-1281-41a2-b70d-49117cac6ac0
      [18:40:38.458 D] Requesting path on 145 from <-131.4168, -30.72053, -34.4691> to <-23.72784, -40.25083, 174.8835>
      [18:40:38.890 D] No viable path from <-131.4168, -30.72053, -34.4691> to <-23.72784, -40.25083, 174.8835> in 00:00:00.4315919 ms
      [18:40:53.327 D] Finished chec

      means on my own go find the quest and do it is there at least an easy way to find out what that means? I am just lost as hell trying to get it to work
    2. Mr McGibblets

      Mr McGibblets Member

      May 20, 2014
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      Easiest way to do it is to pull open the msq quest you are on and look where you are suppose to end up. so open journal and click map. teleport to that map then turn it on. I agree it can be annoying but it takes less than a minute to open up your journal and figure out where you need to be.

      As far as updating the profile to fix this would require adding a zone check to every single step in that monster of a profile. That's something somebody could do if they wanted to help but it will take quite a bit of time and likely have to be done with an alt to make sure where they are suppose to be. Otherwise they might be lucky and use a quest wiki to try and get the zone info but it could be wrong. It would be nice to have orderbot natively check zones but that will just end up as another small ticket item on mastahgs already piled up desk.

      Also the person who wrote that profile is no longer supporting it to the best of my knowledge. I could be wrong. :)
    3. Wheredidigo

      Wheredidigo Community Developer

      Dec 15, 2013
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      The above portion gives you the information you need to figure out how to continue using the profile.

      Go open up the MainScenario_15-50.xml file in a program like Notepad++.

      If you're using Notepad++...
      1. Press Ctrl+G (the hotkey for Go To Line Number)
      2. Type in the Line Number you want to go to. (in this case it would be 5646)
      3. Look for the first time you see this xml above the current line number
        <!-- QUEST_NAME WILL BE HERE -->
        <If Condition="not IsQuestCompleted(QUEST_ID WILL BE HERE)">​
        For your specific case, you'll see this:
        <!-- A Welcome Overstayed -->
        <If Condition="not IsQuestCompleted(66330)">​
      4. Use the QUEST_ID from the above step and go to the following web site: www.xivdb.com/?quest/QUEST_ID
        For your specific case you'll go to: http://xivdb.com/?quest/66330
      5. Look for the Start NPC and click on the name of it.
        For your specific case, you'll click on Gogolata(see this page for an example: http://snag.gy/hut6R.jpg
      6. Teleport yourself to the zone that the Start NPC is in and then try starting RB again.

      Now, please keep in mind that Kagamihiiragi17 is no longer supporting those profiles. The reason behind that is because of Mastahg's initial response to the quality of the profile and how Mastahg treated Kagamihiiragi17. I can tell you that it is definitely possible to update the profile so that it will teleport you to the right zone, but as the poster above me stated, you have to add a zone check in front of every quest, so it would be quite time consuming to do. I can also tell you that I've tested Kagamihiiragi17's HW questing profile and it already has those checks built in. The profile works beautifully except for the lack of flying and the crappy quality of the Mesh in certain Zones/Area's. Once flying is finally implemented, you will be able to use that profile to finish every single HW quest in the game.

      I hope this post helps you get back on track with using the profile again. If you ever get stuck on any other parts, just repeat the steps above to get back to where you need to be.

    4. Sodimm

      Sodimm Member

      Nov 8, 2014
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      Profiles like these take a long time... A very long time. Adding all the required Zone Checks? Multiply that time by 3.

      IMO, Zone Checks; and I've stated this numerous times, need to be pulled by any tag that has an XYZ coordinate in them. Now I'm no coding expert, but it shouldn't be too difficult to add a mandatory check with a MapId field to all XYZ using Tags. But I maybe wrong. I don't want to put work on anyone, but what seems like such a simple addition would cut development time on large profiles like these by a vast amount. It would be a boon for the community and developers alike and would've been a much more advantageous development than having the logs be more legible, seeing as the logs before were perfectly legible to anybody with at least half a brain.
      Mr McGibblets and y2krazy like this.
    5. Wantmymoneyback

      Wantmymoneyback New Member

      Oct 4, 2014
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      Wheredidigo thanks man this helps!
    6. Wantmymoneyback

      Wantmymoneyback New Member

      Oct 4, 2014
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      Thanks for the help guys

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