Hello am in the process of making a new Alterac Valley because the current one is a big weird. This one only works for Alliance but I have come across some confusing stuff. Here is a line taken from AlteracValley.xml <Hotspot x="-536.6096" y="-168.8863" z="54.6953354" default="true" tlx="-493" tly="-107" brx="-590" bry="-220" name="Galvangar" /> It shows the X, Y and Z coordinates but what's that other stuff after? like tlx, tly, brx, bry?
bryx and bry are the top right corner and bottom left corner of a 'hotspot' eg. a flag. tlx and tly i assume are similar
Just imagine a square around where you want it to cover. TLX & TLY--------------- | ................................ | |..................................| ________________BRX&BRY