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    Discussion in 'Buddy Wing Support' started by mostannoyedone, Jul 12, 2012.

    1. mostannoyedone

      mostannoyedone New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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      I am doing the trial period and have mixed impressions. I like the way it ran once I got it to run, but then it couldn't handle my advanced class of scoundrel. I am not going to invest money into a bot that doesn't work. It says it does not have any combat routines loaded. Again, I liked it while it ran, but that only lasted to level 10. Good try guys and maybe I will check back with you later on.
    2. Croga

      Croga Well-Known Member

      Jun 7, 2010
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      Without logs there's no one that can tell you what went wrong or how to solve it.....
    3. Sneakyman

      Sneakyman Member

      Jul 7, 2012
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      WingIt is an ongoing process and I am looking at the developers for WingIt pull all nighters making extreme progress in having support for ALL advanced classes. You CLEARLY have something missing or not up to date, because these should work for you. I'm using Operative, Marauder, Sorcerer etc and they all work. Some doesn't work as 'well' as other classes, but they ARE being improved on AS WE SPEAK RIGHT NOW. They are also in the works of adding support for Raids/Operations for each class.

      Also, for the price who can complain, it's a great product, in its early stages and Im using it right now to run though Ilum Dailies, Belsavis Dailies. Just remember though this is a commercial product, it's STILL in development. We should be lucky to have access to it already in its current state, I'd say thats a good thing because it shows the developers are quite confident in its progress.
    4. mostannoyedone

      mostannoyedone New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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      Good points. Like I said when it was working it was nice. I liked it and was about to pay for the full subscription. I was not trying to bag on you but I can see it might come across that way in text format. I am not sure about the full log but here is the text output of the errors:
      View attachment buddy.tct.txt

      I then go to the options area and try to use the pull down but it is black for loadable routines.
    5. Sneakyman

      Sneakyman Member

      Jul 7, 2012
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      Please follow this for me and tell me your outcome.
      This is a copy/paste of a previous post I had created for someone. See if following this guide helps you at all.

      Get the real latest one from [HERE]

      1) Create a folder in a location with good permissions. For example C:\Users\lotrodude\My Documents\BuddyWing

      2) From the downloaded zip file "BuddyWing 1.0.872.284.zip" place this into your BuddyWing folder.

      3) Extract the zip file, you should now have two items in your BuddyWing folder. The "BuddyWing 1.0.872.284.zip" and "BuddyWing 1.0.872.284" (because you just unzipped it)

      4) Rename the folder you just unzipped to BuddyWing 1.0.872.284_DEFAULT (This is just so you know which installation of BuddyWing you have will be the one you use on a standard day by day basis

      5) Make sure you have Subversion SVN Installed. Right click inside your BuddyWing folder and select "SVN Checkout" then enter the following url into the repository URL it is asking for: kicks-swtor-scripts - Revision 336: /

      6) After checking out, you should now have three items in your BuddyWing Directory
      File 1) BuddyWing 1.0.872.284.zip
      File 2) BuddyWing 1.0.872.284_DEFAULT
      File 3) kicks-swtor-scripts

      7) Now in the latest version, you CAN use a Web Link for the Profiles. But you do NOT have to do this. Go into your "BuddyWing 1.0.872.284_DEFAULT" folder and create a NEW directory called "Profiles".

      8) Go back a directory level and go into "kicks-swtor-scripts" folder. You will see four more folders inside this. "branches", "tags", "trunk", "wiki". Navigate into the "trunk" folder and you will see two folders of interest to you. The "Empire" and "Republic" folders. Select both folders and press Ctrl+C to copy them to your clipboard. Then go back to your "BuddyWing 1.0.872.284_DEFAULT\Profiles" directory and press Ctrl+v to paste them into that directory.

      9) Now to keep upto date with the latest WingIt which controls all the combat, CC and how your bot should use its abilities you will need to create another folder for another SVN. So go back to your "C:\Users\lotrodude\My Documents\BuddyWing"
      and right click then select "SVN Checkout" just like you did before for the Profiles created by Kick. Now enter in the Repository URL: "https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/wingit.2/trunk/WingIt/" and press OK.
      You should now have FOUR folders inside your BuddyWing Directory.
      File 1) BuddyWing 1.0.872.284.zip
      File 2) BuddyWing 1.0.872.284_DEFAULT
      File 3) kicks-swtor-scripts
      File 4) WingIt

      Due to the nature of WingIt being improved on a regular basis, you should never change what is inside the WingIt folder, only ever use SVN Update. But if you would like to try out the latest SVN version which may contain fixes for certain classes then all you would need to do is go into your "BuddyWing 1.0.872.284_DEFAULT\Routines" directory folder, delete the folder named WingIt and replace it with the one in your BuddyWing Directory. You may even like to make another folder so that you have two folders for BuddyWing: BuddyWing 1.0.872.284_DEFAULT and BuddyWing 1.0.872.284_EXPERIMENTAL which you can always update the Routines folder with the latest WingIt for testing purposes so that you can help the developers test its changes.

      When you first launch BuddyWing enter in your key and then when you select load profile, you should navigate to the directory BuddyWing 1.0.872.284_DEFAULT\Profiles (From Step 8 in this short guide) and choose one from either Empire/Republic and you should be set to go. Please always use a logging level Diagnostic or ExtremelySpammy when you are using the latest version of WingIt or BuddyWing as there is always a possibility of helping the developers improve the bot by providing good logs for them to analyze any problems it has encountered while botting.


      You should keep an eye on the kicks profile SVN as there ARE bugs in the profiles. Kick is working hard on improving these. The more people who actually REPORT rather than just use, the more fixes can be provided for the profiles. But every now and then you should update the kick SVN on your folder and re-copy the Profile XML files ( The Empire and the Republic folders ) into your "BuddyWing\BuddyWing 1.0.872.284_DEFAULT\Profiles" folder to make sure it's using the latest which may contain fixes for your character.
    6. Neo93

      Neo93 Member

      Aug 30, 2011
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      Please do the following things:

      - do everything like 'Sneakyman' wrote it
      - start the bot again and upload the log, hopefully it starts without errors.

      btw, every Operative/Scoundrel spec IS supported so I dunno what your problem was.
    7. mostannoyedone

      mostannoyedone New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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      Okay, I followed all of what was in the message. It is working again. Class quests aren't programmed in, but that is a small thing and it was stated as I loaded the profile. I am watching it run through some things. I am grateful for the timely replies and aid in operations. So far things are looking good.
    8. Sneakyman

      Sneakyman Member

      Jul 7, 2012
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      Kickazz has worked EXTREMELY hard. I'm talking hours and hours and hours on end to get class quests ALL working fluently, there are some minor issues with Bounty Hunter but please, update the kick SVN folder and try out the XML profiles for Empire/Republic, there are a few items which it may not understand to pickup, but as it stands the BOT should be very independent. We can only make things better and improve on them if we have helpful people like yourselves to paste log files.
      Thanks again for taking the time to go through my short guide.

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