GM's not banning botters I report.. why? - MMO-Champion BlueTracker just /whiner complaining about blizzard not doing anything about bots, the blue replies hints at some new changes coming soon. should we be worried ? not sure where is should have posted, so i thought general would be best
1) Repost 2) They have said that for a very long time 3) They have already admited they will never beable to stop botting as it would break the game for normal players. 4) The risk is the same as it's always been, and there will always be a risk, it's just the way it is.
so first and foremost, there's no new information there that hasn't been stated else ware. basically that whole thread is just a bunch of people who think every "bot" is from china and they are using a stolen account to spam them. we all know that's not true. if anything it just goes to show the comforting fact that 90% of the people who complain, have absolutely no clue what they are talking about. the end user being clueless about bots and hackers and all sorts of things helps us because it gives us a very stereo typical roles, we know to avoid. at this point besides not falling into those obvious botting roles. the only thing that really needs to be worried about is server side statistics monitoring and analysis, (Something we are completely in the dark about) besides the fact we know they are doing it, we dont know exactly whats being tracked and their fore dont know what needs to be done in order to avoid being picked up by that method, as far as big, bad, warden goes. warden has been worked around over and over again, you need to remember with warden specifically they released it thinking it would stop *****ing, and it has to some extent, but the bigger bots like glider for instance just kept getting around it. till blizzard sued and forced them to stop. thats how fail warden is, that they kept failing so instead of actually finding a way to stop it, they sent a few lawyers after them.