DISCLAIMER: The following are not accusations but simple questions. Why doesn't the bot get the support of custom mulligan.txt files although the methods for it are already implemented in the Silverfish AI the Bot is using by default? Why doesn't the bot use the new Face routine which recently was implemented in Silverfish AI? When will the community be blessed with new features such as Tavern Brawl Mode? Looking forward to your answers. I don't know whether this is the right section for my post but I thought that I wanted to ask the Support/Developer team so I decided I will post in this section.
We're (still) going a different direction with mulligan logic and Silverfish configuration as a whole. Likewise with arena drafting, even though that old xml file for selection is still there and hasn't actually changed in the bot yet. "Static" configuration with no code execution support is very limited, and we have alternatives that will end up giving people more flexibility and power for the long run. That's currently an exclusive Silverfish feature. While the base of the AI we're currently using is a previous Silverfish version, we're making changes and doing things independently of the Silverfish dev. Our focus primary right now is Control, and while the previous Rush behavior is still in the code, it's not officially supported, and changes to the AI we make are based on user's Control testing. Tavern Brawl is a "fun" game mode. There's no practical way we could make adjustments to the AI to make it work ideally week to week for something like that. I don't know how the current AI would fare in it, but our dev focus should be on Arena/Ranked play and gold farming. In a future version of HSB (the current Beta being worked on) support for the game mode itself is being considered, but Tavern Brawl itself is not a priority feature or something worth a lot of development resources.