Just wondering what or if there will be downtimes for U.S. Realm Bots as they are releasing the new patch today. Thanks!
Yes it will be down, but not as long as our previous times. (We won't be spending a week this time around) Expect it today or tomorrow. (Assuming nothing major pops up)
We always push a new release when there's a patch (as the HB client requires some changes to work with each new patch) Once we release, that's when you know we're done.
ya it suprised me i thought i was gonna have to wait an extra 3-4 hr like usual... edit: i can't spell lol
The text that you have entered is too long (80847 characters). Please shorten it to 20000 characters long. I'd paste the changes ... but you'll have to settle for the link! Patch 4.0.6 Official Notes - World of Warcraft
Well bye bye warrior pvp. Atleast this 45 warrior isnt being leveled for nothing now he will just be for micro man. FML
W?'ll see. The nerf on charge/intercept is quite hard I think but with a little pratice u can handle it. Hopefully they fixed heroic leap so I can jump about 1 mm borders