Hey, i have again a problem (still and still), gatherbuddy worked fine all the day, but now it says : Attached to WoW ProcessId: 3512. Attempting Authorization attemptAuth: FAILED! Please auth first GatherBuddy Authenticating Attempting Authorization attemptAuth: FAILED! Ofc, i have verified that the password is right (i bought gatherbuddy two days ago, so it must still be working :<)
I'm sure one of the mods can verify, but I've seen this error a few times and fix it pretty easily. I think each session of WoW (opening up WoW.exe and running it) creates a ProcessId. If I close WoW and re-open it (without restarting HB), I get this error. All I do is close HB and re-open it, and it'll work. I also get a different ProcessID, so it seems to support my theory. Doesn't even really seem like a bug. I'm sure there's a functionality to assigning a ProcessID, and it's really not a nuisance to avoid this error.