Is there a way to remove the New Raid Frames (red in the picture) with the old Raid Frames (yellow in the picuture)? ub3r1337 paint skillzzz
Sorry no clue mate, but im sure there will be an addon for that soon. Btw your nick is showing, would be best to remove it
Yes. You can see a yellow arrow pointing out from the left side of your wow window (under the character frame far up on the left side). Press that and a box will pop up. Click on hide and you should be good to go.
Censored out every ????ing thing but not my name xD Thank you^^ + I don't want to hide the new frame, I want to get the old one
If you want to get the old one instead of xPerl then just open up the raid tab in social and drag out the groups? works for me
What is so bad about the new frames? I personally really like them and they seem a lot more responsive than grid/healbot/xperl have for me. I just wish there was an option to keep them visible when not in a group.