Greetings all! So I took the plunge into Hearthbot today... on the day there was an update.. stupid me lol So I'm coming over using Demonbot... I run it with four keys and have ti doing exactly what I want after insane tweaking of settings and plugins... But with Hearthbot unfortunately I have no idea what I'm doing... now I know some of you will tell me to comb through the forums to learn the ins and outs but is there a nice member of the community that will get me the quick tips on how to get this program to work? i.e. for demonbot you have to load the correct profiles for it to run the correct rifts.. are their profiles specifically i have to load for it to play certain decks? A crash course would be great. Thanks in advance.
You don't have to do a lot basically. Just click through the settings, select the hero you wanna play, specify whether you wanna play ranked/... and put in your custom deck name and you're ready to hit start. If you can't find the settings i'll provide a manual with screenshots as soon as the bot is up again.
If you can't use the most basic functions of a forum and get that information on your own, maybe you should stop using a bot.
So I just recently tried to use it and got the bot to work on my secret paladin and it works fine having said that... there was close to no settings/programming for me to get it to work... is it really just "press start" and then hope the bot will do all the rest and we trust its judgment? It's just weird for me since for demonbot there's SO MANY settings you have to set before the bot will work and hearthbuddy was a matter of pressing start... is there anything that i'm not considering? what are the default bots and routines? Thanks!