Hey everyone. I'm new to this whole thing, so I thought I would give it a try since one of my friends said it worked well for her. I purchased the trial key for 1.20 USD, and tried to set up the program. I got my key, and it let me in, but the program crashed a few times while I was trial and error learning it. Now it says I'm out of sessions? What do sessions even mean in the context of botting? I guess at the worst I'm out of a dollar, and I'll probably just give up on the whole botting thing as too complicated for me. Though I'm just really confused on what's going on. Did I do something wrong, and now I can't do anything? I can live without my dollar, but if anyone can explain to me exactly what happened it would be greatly appreciated it.
All the buddy bots use a personal account for you to log in before using the bot. When the bot program crashes, it is usually incapable of logging you out. So in the server's perspective, you never logged out; you have to then manually terminate the session. This only happens when the bot crashes or is improperly closed. To terminate the session, go to Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal and kill it there. As for the bot, we really have no idea what caused the crash for you or what problem you had if you don't provide a log to us. Everything the bot does is logged in a text file on the bot's installation folder. If you want us to help you, you have to show us that log or we have no way of knowing what happened.
Thanks so much for the quick reply. After waiting some time I tried again, and everything seems to be working well at the moment. I don't understand a lot of it, but I'm messing with the Fate grinding thing right now since it seemed to work right out of the box.
Here's what I recommend: 1. Download and install Ultima from the combat routines section of the forums. (Optional) Download and install Agil from the plugins section of the forums. This way the bot repairs when needed. 2. Restart the bot of course. 3. Go to Fate Bot's settings window and make sure you enable "Level Requirements". 4. Go to an area with fates for your level and start Fate Bot. 5. ??? 6. Profit.
A lot of the complex stuff is still pretty foreign to me. I was able to download a 1-50 mining profile and that seems to have been working rather well, and I've also tested the fate grinding one. I still have some questions though, and searching didn't help me as well as I was hoping. First question is, what is the definition of "session" for botting? What does that mean when going over the options when making a purchase form the website? And my second question is about getting banned. FF is a game I'm just playing with a friend of mine, so I don't have any strong ties to my account, and if it gets banned it wouldn't be a big deal. I've read that I shouldn't leave the bot on for long periods at a time because it might be suspicious, but I was curious if anyone has actually gotten banned from that? Getting banned would just result in me buying another account and trying again. So the real question is, knowing I could get banned, are there any other consequences for pushing a long botting session? ~Thanks!
I have been using this bot for a while now and bot all the time and have not gotten so much as a warning at all. As long as you aren't doing something stupidly obvious, you will be just fine.
A sessions is simply one instance of the bot running, so if you have 1 session available you can only run one bot at a time for the license. Sometimes you will get out of session errors if you restart the bot many times within a short window as it takes some time to know that the previous one is no longer active.
The rest of your question was answered, the last bit is a little confusing but I think I know what you mean (when I first read "So the real question is, knowing I could get banned, are there any other consequences for pushing a long botting session?" I thought, "Yes... SE comes and takes your first born!"). I know you've said you've searched around and didn't find the answers you are looking for, but trust me when I say these forums are full of information (plus you've already received quick support/replies so you see that we just don't ignore people). The best thing you can do (IMO) is come up with your own profiles (I started by taking apart pre-written XML files created by the masters and working off of that). I see that you've already found/used a popular 1 - 50 Mining Profile (there are a few for all types of grinding) so that's a good start. You'll want to use the "Order Bot" instead of the "Gathering" tool since the 2nd one has become outdated and doesn't feature some important/handy features. The benefit of taking a small amount of time to learn how to create a profile will pay off dividends though and there are already plugins in the works (current version can already be downloaded) that help this happen from a friendly, UI competent. One of the biggest "complaints" was that some people didn't find the tools that existed intuitive. Another huge benefits to creating your own profile is that you can find a location that isn't as populated by other people due to using the same profile on your server, as well as the ability to gather exactly what items you are after. Later on this extents to mobs/locations (if you want to do mob grinding) and there are several combat routines that are constantly being expanded. Your biggest friends for AFK grinding are quality profiles, tools like Agil which will help you with spiritbonding as well as several kinds of mending, and finally a super handy plugin called "Quark" (which reminds me that I need to ask for permission to expand Quark and release it publicly but it does work well as is and will let you log out at an interval you can set *note to self locked in*). There are no official stats to be found but I don't really know of anyone who has been banned for using this bot. You risk a fellow player(s) reporting you if they detect obvious bot-like activity (i.e. running up against a wall for hours on end, but of course this can happen in real life if you have auto-walk on and go afk) but the weekly reports SE releases of users being either temporarily suspected or banned show that their primary focus is RMT/gold sellers and only the most egregious ones at that. There is a reason (actually many) why I decided to go with RebornBuddy (I'm not subbed to any other MMOs atm but the Buddy Community just can't be beaten... heck they are even fighting battles for consumer rights in Germany/EU when it comes to using 3rd party programs). I normally don't ramble as much but I haven't slept for a few days; hopefully the important details are in there. At the end of the day, SE has shown that they are only truly concerned with users/people who are degrading the experience for other users or causing them problems directly