Hello! Im new to HB, and botting in general. I played with pirox a bit, but no more than a week or two total use. I have installed HB and purchased a one day key to give things a shot. Currently I cannot run any questing profiles I installed from kicks svc, I get this error "Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!" I have also tried the grind version of the bot, but it casts one spell ([Singular] Casting Seal of Righteousness on Myself), and then sits on loading tile/s. Does anyone have any advice on how I can get things started, or a link to a good guide I can use? Anything obvious that I might be doing wrong? Thanks!
I started with reading alot before I ever bought the server, but you've already got a 1 day pass... so once I started, I first started with something simple to make sure it was working, Archeology bot... that doesn't even need a profile. Once I got that working, then I did Gathering, making sure I had a gathering profile loaded. If you can't get that far, you should probably read this over first: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...5-quick-hb-guide-presentation-fast-setup.html
if the guide for HB setup dont help you attach a log: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/35945-guide-how-attach-your-log-kick.html
Alright, thanks for that so far Can I also ask, how long does it normally take for a profile to load? "Changing current profile to 17-21 Northern Barrens" and "Loading Profile..." comes up and seems to stay there.