so im new to honorbuddy...i was wanting to inquire about the abilites of this one capable of doing archaeology for me and also a healer bot on follow? if so which package includes these options...any info would be greatly appreciated
Yes and Yes. I was in an instance the other day with one of my toons healing and me tanking As for the packages I think the only thing different about them is that you can either get the 3 session or the 1 session.
ok that helps somewhat lol...thats basically what im interested in as of now is the archa and having a heal bot for instance are the 1 and 3 sessions for multiboxing? also a assume a session is for.... a year? do u have to pay per addon? as stated before id simply use it for archa, healing and maybe some mat farming...
ok i purchased the 1 session elite and my first impression is how much smaller and compact it is compared to pirox (which confused me quiet a bit).....i noticed immediately that archa was included so thats where i started...clicked start and everything workes like a dream...toon is flying around doing archa and fighting any mobs that attack him...beautiful and perfect..although i did notice he mounts the albino drake everytime...i went into settings and tools, turned off use mount is check and there are numbers for flying/ground u input what mounts u want ur toon to use here...and where do i get the info to select which mounts i want him to use? srry noob to hb and botting still in general
ok everything is working last do i go about using the "heal bot" support i was inquiring about
Depends a bit. For example, get Lazy Raider (link in my signature) and get a Custom Class that will heal. If you are new to HB, it might be good to read up on for example