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  • new wow account starting questions after ban.

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by zeussmilesuponme, Nov 10, 2016.

    1. zeussmilesuponme

      zeussmilesuponme New Member

      Nov 10, 2016
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      i botted all thru wod with no prob.
      first couple months of legion used no bots. then i re-buy honorbuddy a week ago....leveled 1 alt to 110 with the bot and had it doing some world quests. I understand that blizz has to stop the gold farmers, but realistically other than that, it's irrelevant whether my hand on a mouse, or the bot is moving my toon. ya know?... i then log in today and see I've got a 6 month ban. 6 months?? i can see two months.....but 6?? that's basically screwing you out of the entire expansion. I've put in a appeal, but don't expect much from it.
      my question is this: if i pay the $50 for legion and start a new wow account (under same battlenet account, right next to my suspended main account)...and play another toon for 6 months, when my main account gets unlocked, will i be able to transfer my new account toon to my main account? (all under same battle account)

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