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  • Newbie Question(s) - My Profile (xml) walks from start to finish! why?

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by dvadam63, Aug 13, 2013.

    1. dvadam63

      dvadam63 New Member

      Feb 4, 2013
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      hello, I am not sure were to write this post and so this looked like a good place to start.

      I wrote a profile that I assume I would use with GrindBot and all it does is find brineshell snapper and kill/loot/skin then.

      the problem is from almost anywhere in the game it will mount on my flying mount and WALK to the location. what is that all about? see below...

      <Name>Brineshell Snapper</Name>

      <MinFreeBagSlots>1</MinFreeBagSlots> // How many free bag slots to keep until you need to sell / mail

      // set your selling and mailing here


      <Vendor Name="Master Baiter" Entry="60762" Type="Repair"
      X="-1489.974" Y="-265.7517" Z="5.146371" />

      <Name>Brineshell Snapper Grinding Area</Name> <!-- optional -->



      <LootRadius>15</LootRadius> <!-- optional -->
      <MaxDistance>15</MaxDistance> <!-- optional -->
      <MaximumHotspotTime>20000</MaximumHotspotTime> <!-- optional; in milliseconds -->
      <RandomizeHotspots>False</RandomizeHotspots> <!-- optional -->

      <Hotspot X="-839.9982" Y="3711.084" Z="0.2303332" />
      <Hotspot X="-795.7614" Y="3730.187" Z="-0.3475919" />
      <Hotspot X="-766.1554" Y="3802.414" Z="-0.3818749" />
      <Hotspot X="-653.567" Y="3864.844" Z="-0.3805906" />
      <Hotspot X="-740.0186" Y="4004.36" Z="0.4949163" />
      <Hotspot X="-768.5895" Y="4064.082" Z="0.5205663" />
      <Hotspot X="-860.8922" Y="4167.308" Z="-0.1539282" />
      <Hotspot X="-974.1339" Y="4073.596" Z="0.3835903" />
      <Hotspot X="-1073.301" Y="3944.306" Z="-0.03331344" />
      <Hotspot X="-964.4041" Y="3774.694" Z="-0.6129369" />
      <Hotspot X="-906.1874" Y="3718.914" Z="-0.6402388" />

      </HBProfile> <!-- closing context -->
    2. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Dvadam63,

      The Grindbot only knows how to use a ground mount. If you select a flying mount, it will only use it in 'ground mode'.

      Honorbuddy does not fly natively (yet). You can find more information about it here:

      So, your two choices are to:
      • Turn on the 'beta feature' of "Use Native Flying"
        If it works for your purposes keep that setting while grinding.

      • Convert the grinding profile to a questing profile.
        Questing is a superset of grinding. With questing, you can issue the necessary FlyTo directives to accomplish your goal.
      In the future, this type of question probably belongs in the Developer's forum.

      cheers & good luck with your project!

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