After a brief Google search, I've found that there are no Dota 2 bots around. Would Buddy folks be interested in pioneering this market?
No we're not interested. MOBA bots make no sense at all. Compare outcome and complexity it makes no sense atm. Maybe later but for the moment there are no plans for a LOL or DOTA2 bot.
Honestly i was thinking the same due to there are about 9Million players on dota2.. and this means a lot of money for you xD Anyway i see your point of view,but who knows... We hope to see it one day
No idea about dota but LOL ip farming would be huge, I for one would purchase 5 keys alown for lol just to play normal vs normal or normal vs Ai I wouldn't care... Clearly I love playing lol and I would never use the bot to play for me that defeats the purpose, But saying that the dude that makes lol helper that auto combos for you makes over 5k a month is subscriptions