hello i lvl a char on a dead realm and its realy dead (at 22:00 15 ppl online). i level the chars to farm herbs and mage shoulder enchants. the only problem i was runing the bot in uldum and deephold and i get only 40 herbs/h in uldum (i am the only bot). in deephold the first hour i was runing the bot i got only 14 herbs. the second hour i do not even got one herb (!). i flight the route by hand and could not also find a herb. so is there a lower respawn rate on a dead realm? or wtf is going on
[Gatherbuddy2]: Gathebuddy2 nach dem Sammeln von 7 Elementen in 1h 14m 16s beendet [Gatherbuddy2]: Herzbl?te: 5 [Gatherbuddy2]: Aschenbl?te: 2 -.-
its not a honorbuddy problem since there are really no herbs. just want to know if someone has the same problem
Have you tried watching it fly around the profile? I know there was/is a bug with GB2 skipping nodes so maybe this is affecting your nph. To be honest I'm not sure why anyone would want to be on a dead realm.
on my old realm i had like 100-120 herbs per hour (in pandaria). would i have on the dead realm more? i am just not sure if i should upgrade to mop
Explain why you would stay on a dead realm only herbing cata herbs? At least with MoP you should have plenty of good herbs to make gold from, even doing the shoulder enchant shuffle its more than can be earned from cata herbs.
i lvled with herbalism. i reached now lvl 85. now i am not sure if i should upgrade THIS acc to mop. if i will get only 50herbs/h in pandaria it would be waste of 30 euro. my question was just if the mop herbs spawn as smae as bad as in cata areas.
What I was asking is why are you on a dead realm with a cata only account? What is the purpose of herbing on a dead realm? If its because you got a main account there you want to keep in gold then there is better ways than herbing.
hm i was thinking to herb on a dead realm, make shoulder enchants fill the guildbank with 1 mill gold and 600 stacks goldlotus, transfer to a big realm and sell the gold there. i have atm 4 bots on a full realm with many bots and i can only farm 100-120 herbs per hour max. so i made a 5th and 6th account to try to farm on a dead realm and reached lvl 85 today. now i am not sure if i should upgrade to mop.
you cant bring mroe then 10k on a char to another server and not more then 50k with the guild. but you can bring items
He is semi right. The last time I checked, lvl 1 guilds can only transfer 50k. (Which was around early march 2013.) Lvl 2+ guilds can take up to 1mio.
You can transfer a lvl1 guild? My wife transferred a guild to our new realm last month and it had to be lvl2+
you can not transfer a lvl 1 guild. charcap for lvl 81+ chars is 50k guildcap for a guildbank is 999.999g 99s 99c + charcap LVL 10-30 300G LVL 31-50 1.000G LVL 51-70 5.000G LVL 71-80 20.000G LVL 81+ 50.000G but i created my own guild when i was 30 and leveled the chars by questing. 2 chars from 30-85 and the guild is now LVL 6. so its np to make a lvl 2 guild but now back to my original question how good is the spwanrate for herbs on a dead realm in pandaria?
I didnt check my text. I meant if you have a lvl 1 Guild, you can only transfer 50k (The 50k your char can carry.) I didnt want to imply that you can transfer a lvl 1 guild.