Hi Guys! Me and a Friend have a discussion going on if the chance you get banned is higher when you have the Standard UI, no keybindings, no Macros? I personally think that your chance of getting Banned is higher when you have not at least some Keybindings. Call it coincidence, but the only Time i get banned was Years ago when i was Instance farming with my Paladin Toon. The Paladin had the Standard UI, no keybindings no macros and even the Action Bar was empty lol. Since then i have on all of my Toons a custom made UI, i have a ton of Keybindings i even have the normal Macros that my Class would use, and i?ve got no Ban since then. So what do you Guys think of my Theory? Is it Legit, or Complete Bullshit?
That might've been true some years ago, but nowadays, I am guessing everybody knows and uses addons today.
I think the statement in the title might be stretching it a little, and honestly, I don't think it makes much difference BUT... I'm superstitious so I have all my bots with their keybinds and all spells the CC uses in the action bar. Again, I might just be too superstitious, but really, does it hurt to put stuff on your action bars? No...
Remember, there are server side and client side settings. As for addons, they are client side, blizz doesn't know what addons u use. Cast bars are server side, so yes they could view them..........wether they do or not, I doubt it, but who knows?
I had a gm moved my bugged lvl 85 full heroic raid gear without any buttons on my action bar before. And he didnt mention anything of it.
heres what it comes down to. is it possible that a player is somehow arranged their action bar the particular way a bunch of botters have it. the answer is yes. is it possible they took all the spells off the bars and is casting directly from the spell book, the answer is yes. blizzard isnt going to automatically ban people unless they are 99.9% sure they are going to ONLY get the guilty. 10million people there are only so many different combos of how people have their spells on bars.
Nothing is clientside, they can see and control what addons you use, and if you have keybindings aswell (was changed because a lot of players were annoyed with setting up keybindings everytime they logged a new pc) but it's no reason to ban, hell if they care if you don't use addons or keybindings. If you're spotted doing laps for over 10 hours a day, then they'll say, he has no life and no keybindings? Blasphemy!