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  • No luck questing lately.....

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Sean, Jan 5, 2015.

    1. Sean

      Sean New Member

      Dec 13, 2014
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      Dosnt seem to matter what profile. I just got no damn luck questing anymore, seems to get hung up here and there and everywhere. Standing in middle of nowhere...waiting for quest giver...etc.

      I did a fresh install a couple days ago. Anyone experiencing this or got any advice? Im about ready to just give up and start grinding but would prefer not to of course. But I don't know, are any of you "old-schoolers" still grinding out there? Maybe thats still a good way to go, haven't done much grinding in ages really...
    2. Deathsmind

      Deathsmind Member

      Jun 14, 2013
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      If you are using kick there are a few places where you have to wait for certain people to show up so it waits, not sure if you are coming back to check on it and you see this, I know I see this pretty often and I wait a little a see it was actually waiting for a purpose. I have the bot sometimes get hickups where I just have to turn it off and on again for it to work. Just leveled a few weeks ago 1-100 and didnt have any problems besides restarting it every so often.
    3. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      HB can be moody. odd thing to say about a piece of software but it fits. Seems it will run great one week, then the next, goes wonky. im not sure what to do. just wait for next week and cross your fingers. whisper soft words to your monitor when logging in. last week, i was topping meters with my resto druid, this week, having issues shaming the disc priests. not sure if its an ingame class fix for disc, or ninja nerf for druids, or there was a software change in my cr.

      hope for better numbers next week i guess.

      good luck to you on your questing. a couple weeks ago i afk'd 90-100 on my feral druid. this week, my 94 dk won't quest for nothing. just stands there, runs into groups of mobs, dies for nothing, runs into rocks. i gave up after two days of crying.
    4. Sean

      Sean New Member

      Dec 13, 2014
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      LOL, Totally.

      It really is true, I have had plenty of good questing exps...just like the last week or so Im getting the staring at the rock side of things...lol.

      Anyone grinding these days?
    5. CoffeeBreak

      CoffeeBreak New Member

      Mar 26, 2012
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      i just did a priest 1-100 (90% dungbuddy), and ive had a lot of fun with it, pretty much 100% afk imo, and insta queue without much problems as healer.
      for questin i did 90-98 and 1-15 without probs aswell, using kicks
    6. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      when wod dropped, i made some skinning profiles. skins were high priced so i got rich as i leveled. skins don't sell for nothing now, and fur even less. when the questing is smooth, we can make more gold and level faster doing quests.

      all depends on your server's economy though. meat and fur is low low right now on my server.
    7. Joker76

      Joker76 Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      Unfortunately, frosticus is right, HB can be a finicky bitch sometimes. I've noticed the past couple releases that Questing is just not as smooth as it used to be, and appears to be using a lot more resources than before. A lot of times a simple Stop/Start can fix a problem, other times shutting down HB and then reloading it is required.

      Using a relogger (HBRelog or Arelog) with the LogMeOut plugin might help. Set it to log out after 10 minutes of inactivity and then let the relogger log you back in and (hopefully) continue on.

      I wouldn't afk Dungeonbuddy for any period of time. Putting 1 bot in a confined space with 4 humans is just asking for trouble. However, if you can monitor it then it's definitely the fastest way to level from 15-80.

      Questing from 80-100 should net about 15-20k gold, depending on how fast you outlevel each expansion. These seem to be the most stable profiles, but there are certain quests that have been bugged for years.

      Unfortunately, I've come to the realization that I need to be able to check on my bots at least every couple hours to ensure smooth operation. I fully expect them to be standing around or crashed, so when they're not I'm pleasantly surprised. :D

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