View attachment 3584 2015-07-05 18.00.txt I keep getting no viable paths error. I am using the Main Story Line quest profile 1-50. I have tried starting the bot from multiple locations as well as completing a few of the main story quests manually. I have two plugins enabled. Zekken and Agil. Agil is set with a person for mending and all other features are disabled. Zekken is set as default. I have no abnormal settings and this is a fresh install of the bot as of today. This only two thinks copied into the fresh install folder were SVNs for profiles, Plugins, and my settings folder. I am also using Kupo as you can see by the logs.
I went ahead and got to the NPC Marcette and it accepted the quest and the one beside it by turning my guy. It then errored out again saying no viable path. So i finished both quests and turned them in. Once that was completed I started the bot again and now it is requesting yet again another NPC and it is no viable quest. I have the same AV program I have been using for a while now (webroot secure anywhere) and even made sure the allow rules were still there for the firewall.
ok seems to be working now for some reason it didnt just teleport to the already unlocked area i had to teleport it there myself and now it is running around will post back if needed.