[11:23:09.054 N] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [11:23:43.574 N] If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it [11:23:43.579 N] Grabbing card: Sen'jin Shieldmasta [11:23:44.656 N] Dropping currently held card! [11:23:50.518 N] Attacking Thrall with Bluegill Warrior [11:23:52.660 N] Attacking Thrall with Raid Leader [11:23:54.576 N] Attacking Thrall with Knife Juggler [11:23:56.745 N] Checking hand cards priorities : [11:24:00.852 N] Ending turn. [11:24:00.852 N] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Off by 1 HP due to +attacks over the original. Had a +1 attack on murlocs, was killed by player, bot still thought we had this + attack, or something, not sure....no additional logs can be found to figure out this error