As the title says my AV is removing my Honorbuddy.exe file. I have tried adding the folder to the safe list or w/e but it doesn't work. For the meantime I've had to disable Norton. Anyone know how to fix this?
Uninstall Norton, please.. 1. Its useless (Yes, nearly every AV is useless) 2. It slows the computer way too much down. 3. Just use another free AV if you really want to have one.
Strange, i dont use an AV since ... nearly 2 years now, and didnt get a virus yet + wont get one. There are several things you have to know : There are FUD Crypter which make the RAT (trojan) or the stealer or any other kind of malware completly undetectable for your AV.
Remove all Anti Virus programs, you do not need them. Simply run a malware scan once a week using this program: Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware: Malwarebytes Only 7MB download and is very quick and doesn't use much system resources.
If you insist on keeping Norton's in your system even though it is worthless then just add your ENTIRE HB folder to Norton's exclude list including sub folders. If you decide to get some real protection there are several FREE AV's available or you can purchase either Eset's NOD32 or Kaspersky. For malware protection get Malwarebytes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk