Main account was banned, g/f's acc was banned, one of older accounts that I actually never played, but transferred on it of my leveled chars (kinda backup trick, lol) - got ban too. But I'd found that one my account that have one char fully leveled with botware, first HB 1-60, evilbot`s archeology bot 60-90, after 90 sped some time on farm with Honorbuddy - didnt get ban. That`s really strange. Account that was almost never visually controlled, etc.. The main difference between banned and this not banned account - i never used CR on it.. Maybe BliZZ detect HB by this way? Actually i've got tired of WoW a long time ago. The day I've found HB was day when my life at WoW starts again for almost half of year And when I'd almost tired again, the banwave had come Actually i'd not know the fact of ban, bcos of hopefully got the World of Battleships beta access and spend couple days in it, without checking email.. So looks like i'll wait for end of ban in sea.. And after it i'll continue to use HB, ofc))) Till the final ban. Btw, mounts and pets as well as achievements now stored into battlenet account. So actually we're loosing only current chars? And nothing prevents from continue to play on new wow account on same battlenet account.. That`s not old kind of ban, when banned account did loose all..
inb4 a blizz employee suggests this for next banwave. Cause this one didnt hurt us one bit now did it.
is it an American to spell it 'losing' and not 'loosing' when describing an event where things are taken? i dont want to troll and then find out its spelled with 'oo' in the rest of the world. i see it way too much for it to be coincidence.
Dude, ur in evry mfcking thread, get lost. or at least make yourself and ur sig less annoyin' @op There was timespan for them to detect, u dodged it. Read: you did not run hb at that exact time on that exact account.
Its an English thing. Lose. Losing, IE the opposite of winning Loose. Loosing. IE the opposite of making something tight.
calm down, bro but hey, thanks for thinking of me when creating your reply to this post. feeling like a rock star. here is map to the Hater Section. enjoy!!
Except for the fact that just about every bot base uses your dr for combat... Just because your questing doesn't mean your not using a cr...