So i am having difficulties since Sunday nights with HB. Sunday Morning was my first day, i went thru all the settings, bells and whistle and was able to learn that using skinning i have to be under Grind bot (thanks bob2k). However, 3 hours went by and no issue. I was getting savage leather like no other using this profile:[skinning]-animals-twilight-highlands.html And other one for Ciderwebb. All 3 worked great, i did an hour on each. I shut off my computer and 4 hours i came back. Now Since them, after 30-45mins of skinning it will stop. View attachment 9-11-2011_4_59 PM 14220 Log.txt Until yesterday, i still have to monitor it. After such period, i will get a black icon bag instead of the normal color one. It wont loot, and move on to the next mob. And it happens with any profile. So to make it work again, i have to exit WOW, exit HB, restart WOW, restart HB (which will take me at least 5 mins because it will keep telling me Max Sessions, Authentication Invalid, i will go to Kill Sessions websites and it will show nothing) Can anyone tell me why this is happening? I should have added yesterday's log, but they are the same, is the same thing.
[4:59:35 PM:466] Tidy Bags 3 Reloaded this plugin is the "problem" (bugs out sometimes) disabled it and you wont have the same issue again
really? my char will stop looting, before skinning all because of a plug in? man that stings, and i though tidy bags was cool.
Hey Tony, here is another case. While running Grindbot now, with the same profiles, now i had to manually stop the bot and loot the corpse and skin them. It was jsut keep killing without looting. And yest loot is on and Auto loot on WOW. So no changes, just now it wont look or skin.
the problem Tony, i dont know which plugin whats the one to have cause the problem lol. I have many of them.
oh that plugin has being uncheck since way before, since the first time. This was after tidybags. I actually should have removed it all togethers from my plugins but i forgot.