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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by MattiasK57, Jul 4, 2013.

    1. MattiasK57

      MattiasK57 New Member

      May 22, 2013
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      My bot dosen't loot mobs when he is questing? I dont understand why he dont so please help me guys! =)
    2. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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    3. dankish

      dankish New Member

      Mar 2, 2013
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      I had the exact same problem last night after freshly installing and setting up a bot to quest. I did another fresh install, this time using the beta and had no problems. Later I realized that I forgot to copy plugins and behaviors from kicks. When I did that, I had the no looting problem again. I replaced the looting.cs behavior from kicks with the original one from a fresh install of HB. Now I'm having no problems.

      \Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\UtilityBehaviors\looting.cs
    4. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      Looting can be disabled in many different ways by the profile writer, technical issues with the players client, or simply improperly set settings by the user, all leading to the conclusion a log is necessary to diagnose.

      It's unlikely the Looting.cs core behavior is at fault for any kind of looting issue. If it were not functioning properly the bot would surely tell you with glorified errors. I also do not recommend mixing different versions of behaviors as you may not get stable results. Similarly explained in a guide format in the Help Desk.
    5. dankish

      dankish New Member

      Mar 2, 2013
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      I understand your point, however that is what made it work for me. It by no means identifies looting.cs to be the problem in itself, however it is simply just one file and I reverted to the original. I would hardly call it mix and matching, when essentially that is what you are suppose to do with Kick's profiles. The instructions in the thread say to copy the quest behaviors and plugins from kicks into your HB install.

      Copying those files over as instructed was how I duplicated my problem. When I had forgotten to copy quest behaviors and plugins over on a fresh install of HB and loaded kick's profiles, the looting worked as it should. But without all the quest behaviors and plugins I'm sure many quests will not work properly. Unfortunately each time I had copied them over and replaced the original files with kicks, the no looting problem came up again. I'm willing to risk reverting that one single file for looting. I did not mean it as a *fix* but I thought I'd share my experience.

      As far as looting.cs being 'the problem', for me it was at least a part of or involved in the problem, the original HB looting.cs worked fine for me and the one from an updated kick's did not. I'm not asking for help with the issue and I don't care to go through the hassle of doing another fresh install and setting up kick's to produce a log, I attempt to figure out my problems as much as I can on my own or by searching the forums, my very last resort would be posting the issue and a log. But that's just me.
    6. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      hey, dont mean to be a dick or nothing, but if you need help, you need to make your OWN thread not hijack someone elses. when you do make sure to include a description of the issue with a full log as an attachment. any other posts from here on out not from the OP or Staff will be removed since its his thread.
    7. dankish

      dankish New Member

      Mar 2, 2013
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      I don't need help, that is clearly stated in my posts. I was simply offering my experience and what I did to get around the issue. Really not sure how it came off as hijacking a thread. I gave my two cents to the OP, someone else quoted my post and commented on it, I simply replied again to clarify.

      Not to sound like a dick either but I don't think you even read my replies if you are telling me to make my own thread. Why would I want to make my own thread?

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