100 rogue character has problem to log in, the others working well see attached. some korean word inside so traslated it google not working means...HB loading few seconds, nothing happend and vanishing. [15:46:12.488 N] Error attaching Honorbuddy to WoW! - System.Xml.XmlException: 루트 요소가 없습니다. 위치: System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e) 위치 => google translate => location 루트 요소가 없습니다. => google translate => The root element is not
one more thing. what's mean? ididnt modify anything. it would be some trouble? how can i fix it. [Singular] Installation: modified by user - forum support may not be available
[15:46:12.257 N] Attaching to D3D11 try switching to directx9 in wow settings. for the singular modified problem redownload hb and make a fresh installation - should fix your problem
any of the programs listed here BosslandGmbH:HelpDeskrograms that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products - The Buddy Wiki installed?