I have just bought the Honorbuddy and I am already encountering a problem. Upon trying to launch, simply nothing happens. No error message, no window, it just goes up in task manager, so I can only force-quit it, but that has no use anyways.. What to do? I tried turning off my ESET, also reinstalling .NET Framework and bunch of other stuff like running as administrator.
In your honorbuddy directory is another directory called "logs". Upload the log file that was generated so everyone can take a look and see whats going on in the background.
Yea I know, the problem is, it doesnt generate any logs. Nothing there. The process decides to slack even before I start it.
are you fully logged into wow before even trying to start HB? is HB set to Admin mode? Try making HB run in XPsp3 compatability mode
make sure that you have all the latest windows updates try a new Hb installation from scratch and if you still got problems catch me on Live Support at tony@honorbuddy.com (msn)
Don't know if it helps, but the same thing (nothing after double click) happens to me with Curse Client recently.
Obviously.. over 9000 times. I think there must be some essential core libraries broken in my windows itself. What possibly could Honorbuddy demand?
Done both already. BTW: .NET Framework 3.5 is built-in win7, so I can only uninstall the .NET 4, which clearly didnt help. And I do have my system completly updated.
yep, there is a .NET clean up tool. tried that So most likely nothing else than windows reinstallation remains. (done two weeks ago :/ )