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  • Nov. 6 2/2 terminated (GB, AA, Quest)

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Heftydogg, Nov 6, 2014.

    1. Heftydogg

      Heftydogg New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Nov. 6 -- 2/2 terminated (GB, AA, Quest)

      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? On one account, just gatherbuddy. On the other--questing, auto-angler, GB.

      2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: .754 test release

      3)If so, when was the last time?: Was running fine this afternoon, then was banned 30 minutes ago at the same time.

      4)What profile were you using?: At the moment it happened, GB-Spiid's Trillium(dread wastes+townlong). Questing-Cava's profiles(hellfire peninsula)

      5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Singular default GB-demonology warlock. Questing-lvl60 beastmaster hunter

      6)What plugins are you using?: Default refreshment and cava plugin

      7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 8-12

      8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 25%

      9)How many auctions per day did you have?: 300?

      10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? Just honorbuddy

      11)Was your account involved in gold selling? Nope

      12)EU or US realm?

      13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
      Both were actually paid accounts.

      I've been running cava's questing profiles for the past 2 weeks, was leveling the 5th character through hellfire peninsula when I got the ban. I did notice it doing something very sketchy just hours before, flying in a tight circle, trying to land but getting stuck on a catapult. This went on for idk how long and I got a whisper asking if I "found any". Luckily, I came back from afk 2 minutes later and gave some basic reply. But I could have been reported as a bot by then. I also ran gatherbuddy on the other characters and autoangler on my main. Autoangler was never running longer than it took to catch nat pagle fish though, so I doubt that was suspicious. The other account was just gathering, I gathered about 8 hours per day with it in pandaria. The two accounts are linked to the same battlenet. The email was the generic:

      Account: xxxxxxx
      Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software

      How do I go about disputing the license termination to get it reduced to a 72hr? What do I say as my excuse? The main account is from burning crusade days and survived months of botting in 2011. I don't think it's ever gotten a ban before so would hate to see it gone for good.
      Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
    2. starlite68

      starlite68 Member

      Oct 30, 2013
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      just open a ticket, i don't think it matters what you write. they often get it down to 72

      and never use GB2 on a main account. if you use it all, it has to be a lot less than 8-12 hours per day.
    3. Heftydogg

      Heftydogg New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It seems these people were not able to bullshit their way out of it. I can make something up; I've been through the process before. But what did other people say recently that got it reduced to 72hr? Back in my day, "I got hacked" was a plausible bluff--but it seems they're prepared to pull up IP's and be tougher about it now. A lot of people report it getting reduced, but the obvious missing crucial detail is how. What's the cookie cutter excuse for Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software these days?

      It seems there's direct detection happening with all these bans at once. Or were we all from accumulated player reports that were saved for a ban wave? Are they equipped to prove it if I just deny using any 3rd party programs?
      Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
    4. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      GMs are not retards, they already know what you have done, the moment they check the logs.

      Just play stupid, and appeal, they always give 2nd chance on 1st offence.

      Dont look other botters, everyone have their own story.
    5. nerdragemoar

      nerdragemoar New Member

      Jan 8, 2012
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      >I did notice it doing something very sketchy just hours before, flying in a tight circle, trying to land but getting stuck on a catapult. This went on for idk how long and I got a whisper asking if I "found any".

      Was that a whisper from a random player? I think you where watched and found guilty by a ghost gm, my hunch. Always watch your account man always. As for what you should do, i agree with imtakinusrs, dont give them B.S. best of luck on appeal.

      >It seems there's direct detection happening with all these bans at once. Or were we all from accumulated player reports that were saved for a ban wave? Are they equipped to prove it if I just deny using any 3rd party programs?

      not sure, very scary ideas.
    6. Heftydogg

      Heftydogg New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Last edited: Nov 8, 2014
    7. starlite68

      starlite68 Member

      Oct 30, 2013
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      yep thats the correct response. NEVER admit to botting.

      used to be they reduced ALL permabans to 72 hours after one ticket. i got replies in 5 min lol. now it's harder. but i dont think you need a big special story, i always just wrote "hey i cant login what does it mean "botting" did i get hacked or something please help" and it worked fine.

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