Im having 2 issues with the bot. 1. I have to click "rechache custom deck" everytime the bot launches(im using hearthlogger) if there are quests to do, if not the bot will stop and say "[Quest] Now stopping the bot, because there are no quests we can complete with the current custom decks since [OnlyUseCustomDecks] is enabled." Im having custom decks for all heroes and after i rechache the deks it works. I cant permanent select the rechache either(im sure this is the intended way you made it) 2. After the quests were done bot is picking a random deck to play with, it doesnt use the one that was selected BEFORE the questions. I wanna do something like: Play with a hero(mage coz it wins the most), when quests reset each day,do the quests,after quests are done return to the hero i selected,in this case the mage Is is possible such thing? PS My bad, dunno why i posted in the wrong section : /
Problem is i cannot supervise the bot, maybe 30min a day at max. I was looking do to smithing like: Play with account nr1 with Mage, if quests pop up,do the quest,after quests are done,switch back to mage,after period is over(using hearthlogger schedule mode) go to account nr 2 and do all the things like nr1. So here are my 2 problems. 1. Bot after quests are done is using random deck,i guess this is a limitation of it?If so can you guys make in the near future an option so the bot gets back to the desired hero? 2. After bot switches from nr1 to nr2, it says that the decks are not valid, i looked into the bot and saw there is only room for 1 account with full decks, also a limitation of the bot? If i try to mirror the decks from account 1 and account 2, can i "fool" the bot into beliving he already cached the decks? Or based on what the bot is assigning the deck ID?
Any infos? Also what i noticed today after the patch you released that the update patch doesnt have a timer. Using the bot with hearthlogger makes it login-out forever. Could you add to your next realease the timer?I remember that it was a while ago this feat
When you log in HB and you guys released an update you have the update notes and 2 buttons below "YES" or "NO". Before there was a timer(10-15 sec,dont remember exactly) when you could select YES or NO. If you didnt click anything the bot would just skip the new update.
Hello Tony Hows things looking? I have tried the quest plugin and its the same. After the quests are done the bot just picks a random basic deck and not my selected custom deck. Do you think you guys have time to work on this thing?