One of my biggest private buyers of ore and eternals just said he isn't buying mats anymore for "preparation for Cata" screw Cata! He bought my stacks of saronite ore for 15/g stack and Eternal Earth's for 5g/ea ugh lammeee
And why the fuck do you need to make a thread for this kind of shit? Somebody should call the carepolice...
Srsly. The guy was just saying. That does suck, but I sell a lotttt on the AH for way more than that. I sell stacks of eternals from 80-180g per and stacks of saronite bars for about 70g per. I always buyout any eternals or bars I see on the AH. Monopoly ftw.
Why would he stop buying in prep for Cata? All my private buyers uses ores to prospect, create rings and vendor it for a large profit. If they were to stop, they'd just lose gold.