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  • Offtopic; what class to play!

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Staffix, Feb 11, 2013.

    1. Staffix

      Staffix Banned

      Dec 20, 2012
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      mhm, one of these again lads ;D

      i've always been tanking, since tbc :S
      my old guild just disbanded, and now im stuck..
      i want to try out a dps class, can't be too complicated (since im quite new to the whole, "DPS race" you guys got going on..)

      the thing i loved about tanking on my warrior was the big shield slam crits, so high numbers are deffo. a + (obviously..)

      i don't really feel anything special for either meele or ranged dps, i just want something that i can start out with (nice and easy) and then go into absolutely BEAST mode later when i've gotten more experience :D

      if you've read this far, its under the general discussion tab = i think its the right place ;D

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