So a funny thing happened at work today, evidently it has gotten around that I bot. So "Bob" comes up to me and starts asking me questions. Pretty standard set "How does it work" "are you worried about getting banned" "How much gold have you made" So we start into a conversation about Botting, why I do it and how it has gone for me. Overall a pretty pleasant conversation, of the people I work with Bob has always seemed to have an open mind and seems to be a pretty cool fellow. Then as I am wrapping up the conversation he asks Bob - "So do you feel ashamed at the end of the day?" Me - "What???? About what?" Bob - "Botting." I stopped looked at him like he was from mars and said.. "Nah, if anything I am Robin Hood. Making Crafting materials more easily available to the common player." It just *****s me up that someone would think so highly of a game and a not real (physically or in anyway that would matter) economy. Has anyone else had something similar happen to them? And on a side note I am a little worried now that someone is going to try to report me lol (only a little. If it happens like they say c' est la vie).
Got some irl friends who does not approve of me botting. There real highend raiders in goodrep guilds, but they would never report me ( I hope ). Thing is they got so much time on there hands to play and I dont. Full time job and a wife and kid to attend to when I get home. Plus we do contribute to the common player just as you say Belter
i get the same thing quite a lot... People call me *****er but i dont bot my main only use botting to support my main and make a little bit of dosh on the side
It really made me lol, I work with a lot of Geeks and we have many many Wow players (and thanks to me a few honorbuddy users ). Some of them are pretty serious. And I agree Mupp I just don't have the time in the day to play as much as I like work and still have a social life. As I like to say I have lost my soul to this game 3 times. If I get banned I wonder if it wouldn't be for the better
Well beltar, its a nice story Ive never myself seen this before, ive always chatted with ma m8s openely about it, so they always say: "Well, as long as you help us" (ive done that since glider with gold, but at that time they didnt know) But i do not hope u get banned :S
Same here to be honest, if anything they like me botting as it means free powerleveling and some gold for them xD
Thankfully my mates are apathetic towards me botting. Don't ask for anything and i don't offer, if they ask to borrow money i mean hell no problems, i didn't get it.
happend to me and got them hooked to HB/GB straight after a convincing talk about the pro's of the bot. quite simple really but ofcourse there is always someone of those that suddenly doesn't like it and backstabs or gets you reported.
My IG friends know I bot, sell gold and that it helps me paying for my rent, they understand, don't give a fuck, and buy some gold every once in a while for cheap price. My former Guild (I quit playing 2 month ago, but gonna start again eventually).. not all of them know, but GM and officers do... I donate every once in a while a couple of grand and a day worth of farming mats..