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    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by 15wives, May 19, 2016.

    1. 15wives

      15wives New Member

      Sep 24, 2013
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      I've missed every banwave only using rotation.
      I bought legion 2 days ago.
      Magically hit with a banwave.
      Any of the other banees just buy the xpac too, If so we can at least make a case for a refund for the expac as blizz would have to explain that they were waiting to ban accounts until they had purchased legion.
      I personally hadn't used the bot since I bought the ex-pac, mostly due to it being down from all the patches. I'm starting to think they have a rolling banlist and you get highlighted when you drop the extra money for the xpac. If you escaped this wave I highly suggest avoiding pre-purchasing legion.

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