Hi, I bought a lifetime subscription to honorbuddy a good few years back now and it is not accepting my username anymore, any ideas? I tried to access shop.honorbuddy.com but it no longer is available? hopefully someone can clear this upm thanks.
Except that we can. -------------------- Do you have a user on this site? https://buddyauth.com/ If you do, you have your new login key on there. If you don't, sign up on the site, using the email that you paid with when you first bought the license. If it's the same email, you'll be able to find your key on there, therefore no need to contact support.
Hey, guess what...Buddyauth and the store use THE SAME LOGIN. So if he can't access the store, guess what else he can't access.
You won't have to worry about it much longer if you keep using language like that. Talking about "better ways to approach a response" and you open like that...
ryfto we are receiving a lot of reports about you from different users every day lay low plz,try not to draw attention to yourself just saying...
Except that he said that he couldn't login into HONORBUDDY, not the store. Before, HONORBUDDY used usernames rather than random generated keys as their way to authenticate its users. This is what Honorbuddy looked like in 2011, when OP bought his license (assuming since that's when he created the forum login)