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  • On the village of withdrawing all my work

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fpsware, Sep 7, 2010.

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    1. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      On the verge of withdrawing all my work

      As some of you may be aware I recently sold my business and I have been out of town for the last two weeks undertaking training for my new job. As a result of this I have only been able to spend around 15 to 30 minutes on the forums each day, of which, I am trying to support all of my released cc.

      This has been festering with me for the last couple of months but has been exceedingly more infuriating in the last two weeks; there are too many lazy, useless, ungrateful members joining this community more and more each day.

      There are far too many people who are too damn lazy to read a page of instructions/information, even if that information is displayed in the largest possible font and the brightest colour available. I am sick and tired of answering the same stupid questions over and over and over when all someone needs to do is simply read the instructions in the first couple of posts in the related thread.

      I am not the only person in this community with this view, and I'm not the first the voice my opinions. Is there some advertisement somewhere telling people to come here for a babysitter?! This is simply ridiculous!
      Last edited: Sep 7, 2010
    2. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I totally agree with you, this ain't a community it's a business.
    3. Rexx99

      Rexx99 New Member

      Jun 21, 2010
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      I would saaay... please don't. Take your time, get your job life sorted out and maybe come back and /ignore the people who can't read instructions. I mean, if I knew a THREAD of any-whatever-scripting-language (see?) you use to code CC's that's what I would do. Besides, Themyscira loves you, and you love it. Don't deny it. It may be a love/hate thing, but you know deep down... you love it.

      I think what i've learned (just coming out of high school, and going into college), and just from observing people, is that: The general population of people are stupid. They wander aimlessly, following people like sheep. These Sheeple see a link, get excited, click it, [try to] install it, can't, go where they found it, and complain.

      We can compare this to retail: People will go in when they see a large amount of clothing/other people, they see what others are buying, they get excited, pick it up, buy it, [try to] fit into it, can't, go back to where they found it, and complain. Without reading the return policy.

      I don't know what I'm getting at. Point is, don't. Leave. Ever. Your Warrior CC definitely made my botting experience much more enjoyable. Up to you though. But just know that there are people out there who do like your products, and will listen when you post in big giant red letters.

      Anyways, good luck!
    4. Kramxel

      Kramxel New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hi FPSware I'm one of the many people here that know jack about coding but i do appreciate your efforts. Perhaps in an effort to combat this stupidity there should be a dedicated forum mod (there only duty to police these forums), introduction of a stricter code of rules and elitistjerk-esque punishments for infractions, but perhaps with a little more common sense added into the mix.

      i.e. you ask a question that is clearly answered in an easy to find faq, first post you recieve a 24 silence and so on. collect so many of these and you're forum account is close. etc

      Eventually this would weed out the morons.

      (I myself would volunteer for this role, but I am sur ethere are far more experienced and long-serving members whom would be better suited.)
    5. ZoOoOoM

      ZoOoOoM Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I will kill a puppy for every CC you withdraw D:!

      Just ignore them like most people do >.<
    6. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      I agree with ya, far tooo many lazy and ungrateful people here asking stupid questions. We need stronger moderation imo., ask too many stupid questions or don't follow posting guidelines then take away thier posting privileges
    7. dayloon

      dayloon Active Member

      Mar 5, 2010
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      I agree and disagree. While some people might not be grateful, i'd say that most people recognise how much hard work you've put in and are very grateful. But how would you like them to show this gratitude other than saying thank you ? Sadly, there is no solution to your problem. People are always going to come along and have problems or questions with something you've released. You in particular are going to notice this because you've chosen to release a HUGE amount of CC's etc. You must have thought at the time that this would create a support nightmare for you.
    8. mmolie

      mmolie New Member

      Aug 22, 2010
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      I'm pretty fresh into this community myself, and have limited experience. But I am one of those who do enjoy the work you put in, I'm running 2 of the 1 CC (druid/warr) with my first chars being botted and I have alot more progress with those compared to the default ones.

      I hope you do focus on the people who put in the work, as it is a public forum one can't filter out the ignorant ones and I do understand that its frustrating to read the same ignorant questions over and over. I encurage you to just ignore those people, people who put in the effort is the only one's worthy of the time/effort.

      Then again I'm a developer by profession myself and sadly work takes up to much time for me to be able to contribute. Anyhows I bet there is alot of people who love your work out here, big thanks for the effort put in sofar. Hope to see the CC's I enjoy being further developeded if/when you got some spare time. Hope you'll be able the spark of joy alive in the great work on the customclasses.
    9. cawpet

      cawpet Member

      Jan 23, 2010
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      Simply create a new email dedicated to support, mention in all start threads that GENUINE problems, directly related to your CC which cannot be solved via general faq, reading the thread, should be forwarded to the said email, with screenshots, logs, etc. Any pm's, un0thought posts will be ignored, any obvious or non CC related emails, will be deleted and emails blacklisted as spam.

      And, give it a whirl. It's not a perfect system, people still won't listen, and will complain when you don't provide support for features you provide out of your own fondness for the community/project, but, you can ignore those and label them as the idiots..
    10. beefcake

      beefcake New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      While I do agree with you that there have been many many more people joining that will not even take the time to read, search, or anything on how to fix a problem.... there are people like me that just purely do not understand the mechanics of it and so even instructions that are fine for others do not always work for me. Dont get me wrong I was able to setup HB/GB, load profiles and do all that myself without any instructions. What I have problems with are troubleshooting issues in game and knowing what to change in the CC. For that I need someone like you that knows what in the CC is causing the issue and explaining why its doing what it does. You are a big part of this business/community and a very valued part of it. Without individuals like yourself, this is no longer a business or community and turns into a noob fest that WILL die out because everyone gets fed up.

      If I had to make CC's and profiles myself I would have never gotten HB/GB. I have used alot of the stuff you have made public and for that I am greatful. I hope this helps a little and for all those out there that use the statement "I paid for this you owe me help" go f@ck yourself. Spend at least 24hrs trying to troubleshoot the problem yourself, look at configs, etc etc and if that doesnt fix anything then maybe post RESPECTFULLY and ask for help.

      For all you trolls that see someone RESPECTFULLY asking for help and you tell them to shove their head up their @sses... GO F@CK yourself. You are JUST as bad as those demanding help.
    11. lightingthunder

      lightingthunder New Member

      Jun 28, 2010
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      you got beta ccs, what do you expect man ?
      one mistake that you did was overating your ccs before releasing and when they came they were disappointing
    12. Rexx99

      Rexx99 New Member

      Jun 21, 2010
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      Respectful should be reading the install instructions.
      Respectful should be doing what is asked. Like posting a log.
    13. Nesox

      Nesox Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      the MrFishIt thread on mmowned has almost 800,000 views and 6000 replies 80% of it is crap with shit like 'it doesn't work :mad: is it detectable? etc... after a while you learn to learn to ignore it..
      Sure it's nice if someone once in while says that evrything is fine.
      As a software developer you have to learn to ignore all the ignorant whining bitches that can't read the instructions ;)
    14. mezz0

      mezz0 Member

      Jul 10, 2010
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      aye... either learn to deal with the whining bitches or quit developing, but please don't become a whining b1tch yourself,
      this forum has enough of those already.
    15. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Rexx; the problem is I already use giant red writing and people still somehow manage to completely ignore it. Its escapes me how anyone can miss giant red writing, for example. In my Druid CC, there is giant red writing telling people the UI is not connected and is only for "show", yet I still get posts about it - this is extremely frustrating!

      Zoom; prepare the puppy deaths, I'm over the dumb people.

      Cawpet; I do like the idea of a support email address.

      On the old HB forums, CC developers were able to moderate their own CC threads. When we moved to this (new) forum we lost that feature. If we once again had the ability to moderate our own threads I'd be happy.
    16. lightingthunder

      lightingthunder New Member

      Jun 28, 2010
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      whats the point of this thread?
      you can fix this problem only with the admins
    17. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You are a perfect example of why I'm having a fucking bitch-fest. You are not reading. I said, people don't READ the instructions. People do not SEE what is clearly in front of them! Its written in giant red writing or clearly stated in the FAQ.

      I accept there will be genuine support requests, I accept there will be bugs, I do not accept that people do not bother to read what is clearly written in front of them.
    18. Pios

      Pios New Member

      Jul 1, 2010
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      Mate, While I have no known you very long, I will say this as a developer. In general this forum has some really smart people, that follow instructions, however there are a few that come here for a spoon fed lunch. I think by virtue of the fact that people come here to find a quick way to do something with the minimal effort. Would give you the basic demographic of this community, yea, I called most people here lazy, looking for a quick thrill, putting in as little effort as possible.

      Yes, that's what this community is all bout.

      We both know this is true, yet we still write stuff for the people here, And I feel that doing things for free here may not be worth the hassle you get, to be fair, I have seen the way people get treated here, and most of the time the developers are very graceful in the way they handle the abuse, ignorance, and general crap attitudes.

      In Short, I think, take your break, chill out, come back when you done with your course.
      And re-evaluate how you feel at that time.
      Till then, i suggest you get your threads locked. With a post stating development suspended till further notice.

      As always, have good time, enjoy life, dont let the general sheep get you down.

    19. mezz0

      mezz0 Member

      Jul 10, 2010
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      (just reread my previous post; think I make it sound a bit more harsh then I meant it, I'm sorry :p)

      I fully support your telling people to RTFM and GTFO !! You made the damn things, you fix the bugs, you're entitled to tell people to "get the fudge out" when they can't be arsed to read the text that is in front of them !!!
    20. beefcake

      beefcake New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      Rexx99 are you trolling? Or just stating the definition of what respectful is here on buddy forums?
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