So I was released from my 6 month suspension back in June. Went out and bought Legion, quested a couple of toons (botting but never afk, always on top of stucks quickly) up to 110, and did a few dungeons (combat routine only). Only played weekends, and not for long periods of time. Played a couple months into Legion then stopped playing (busy with work, didn't have time). I came back to renew my sub for christmas holidays when I have time to play a bit again only to find that my account was suspended once again. My release from purgatory this time, 18 months (2018). My comment, I am not sure what got me banned because I really spent limited amounts of time playing/botting since the xpac, and I kept a close eye on the bot so as not to bring suspicion upon myself, and yet I was banned (a few months after last played at that). I am not complaining or bashing Honorbuddy in any way, but how safe is this bot these days. Is maybe my account flagged for some kind of watch now that I have had a couple suspensions (3 day and 6 month), or is it really that they have some kind of detection in place? I am just curious how others experiences have been the past year or so, seems like the aggression of Blizzard is making botting life much more difficult these days. Peace and safe botting.