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  • Once completed all quest, will it run to anopther zone HB?

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by strigoi, Sep 18, 2010.

    1. strigoi

      strigoi New Member

      Sep 15, 2010
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      Hello all,

      Well i have got this profile http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?9576-QuestOrder-Dwarf-Gnome-1-60 and well it has completed all the quests what i would like to know will the bot move to another zone by himself or will i have to manually run him there because at the moment he just grinding.
      I would be amazed if he would run to another zone by himself actually really impressed!

      Another query is anyone know any good guides to teach me how to create profiles of my own i would love to create some and share with the community!
    2. strigoi

      strigoi New Member

      Sep 15, 2010
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      sorry about the typo in title :)
    3. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Yes, most Profiles are completely unaware of zone boundaries-once completing all the quests in one zone, they simply move to the next and keep going.

      There are a couple of notable exceptions tho. Many profiles start in Stormwind, and 'go south' through Elwynn, Redridge, Duskwood, then STV. Once done in STV, it is not safe for the toon to traverse Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge to 'go north' through Arathi, Southshore, Hinterlands, and WPL, EPL. Some profiles prefer you take them to Tanaris when done with STV. In either of these cases, you'll need to manually move the toon to the next group of zones, as Honorbuddy is incapable of using Flightpoints and Boats atm. The Profile Writers will tell you if you need to do this and at what levels, in the first pages of the Profile download thread. You just need to read a bit.

      The profile you cited doesn't seem to have these continental geometry problems, tho.

      As to your second question, there is a button at the top of the website labeled "Wiki". Great place to start for Profile Writing.

      Hope this helps.

      Last edited: Sep 18, 2010

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