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  • oops we were unable to start a game for you

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Support' started by sucurs, Nov 9, 2015.

    1. sucurs

      sucurs New Member

      Sep 16, 2014
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      Well first of all I do not know if the problem I faced is related to HB strictly, but I have never ever had the problem like this. I've been using HB for 2 weeks now and yesterday when I started to bot I had several hearthstone crashes, sometimes after 1 game (mostly) sometimes after more than 1. I assume the problem is connected with HB, I tried to google it and the some guy were telling it is because of background applications. How can I solve the issue?
      Thanks in advance

      [IsClientInUsableState] LoadingScreen.IsTransitioning.
      [TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks
      [TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Now clicking the "Play Ranked" button.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
      [IsClientInUsableState] SceneMgr.IsTransitioning.
      [IsClientInUsableState] !SceneMgr.IsSceneLoaded.
      [MainCoroutine] Unprocessed mode: FATAL_ERROR.
      [Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.
      [AutoStop] Stop
      [Stats] Stop

    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      its Blizz's servers having some issues lately

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