Looking for help optimizing my PC for botting, it is a second PC which is dedicated to botting so I dont need to worry about running everyday programs like internet, etc. Any help would be great as the PC is the the greatest to begin with (no dedicated GPU) thanks SPECS i3 2.9GHz Quad Core (says 4 CPUs so I assume it meant quad core?) 6GB DDR2 RAM (not sure of frequency) No dedicated GPU
i have 2 'pc's ... desktop and laptop, i run 6 on my desktop which i also use for everday internet and what not...but i would start with editing d3 prefs ... text doc found in My Documents http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonb...-cpu-gpu-usage-while-botting-d3prefs-txt.html Few settings you can mess with - personally i lower all but te mpbias - which is aparently the big one - but it kind of blurs half of the game ... only running 6 i can leave this be and still be able to run everything normally and still be able to see d3 without it being blurred (ps im drunk - if this doesnt make sense)
Would help if bongmaster told us the PC specs before hand. Context is everything after all. Banana's are yellow.
Ahh sorry didn't really think before posting specs: i3 2.9GHz Quad Core (says 4 CPUs so I assume it meant quad core?) 6GB DDR2 RAM (not sure of frequency) No dedicated GPU