Does orderbot have any fishing capabilities? Can orderbot use other botbases via profiles? I ask these questions because I am getting into profile making and want to start using orderbot. I want to make an automated fisher leveling profile and a couple other things. I have been going through the OrderBot information that I can find, but it still seems lacking. (The information, not the bot Any guidance would be appreciated.
This is also on my list, to see if I can't work fishing into GatherAssist, but with the current capabilities, I think you would have to jump between the fishing and OrderBot to travel to the site first. That's how I do it right now; I have a travel profile that gets me to the site with OrderBot, then the fishing profile itself that catches the fish (attached).
Nice. Perhaps we could make a plugin that switches bots and changes profiles when certain criteria were met, such as being a certain level.
The plugin logic would be fairly straightforward; I use a timer in my plugin to monitor item counts, and then I change profiles when it's ready, but you could easily use OnPulse() if it's not a time-consuming bit of code. What I haven't looked into yet is whether the plugin can change a bot, and what technique would be best to handle the travel portion before executing the fish bot. Plus there are other concerns with the fishing plugin that aren't handled (or even detectable?), such as the pond being "fished out", and having to fish somewhere else temporarily before returning.
Hmm...yes. As far as the waters being fished out, as long as the profiles are built with timers to signal a waypoint change, you could move the player every X seconds/minutes. My end goal is to be able to level fishing from 1-50 full afk. I have been playing with some areas where you can move directly from the telepoint to waypoint without getting stuck. From these points, you don't actually have to change the body of water or even the area you are fishing in, you just have to move something like 50 meters/yalms/whatever its called in game, and start fishing again. I think fishing and crafting are definitely the two main areas that rebornbuddy is missing. I use pretty much every bot available for this game, and I have to say, this is the smoothest running for the tasks it can do, but its still half whole. As a massive honorbuddy user, I know the capabilities are endless, but as a community member here, I know honorbuddy has more brains working out the details then rebornbuddy. Its a matter of time, of course!