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  • Party Kill Steal/Assist [Questing Profile/Singular?]

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Linnoel, Sep 20, 2015.

    1. Linnoel

      Linnoel New Member

      Sep 17, 2015
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      I am using the same questing profile on multiple characters in a party to grind.
      I need to use a questing profile so they can invite each other to party, as the partybot cannot use a questing profile. (Is there another way to get bots into a party automatically?)

      The characters do not help each other kill/assist in killing most of the time even though they are in a party (possibly thinking it is "kill-stealing"/KS).
      So if there is a rare mob around that requires 2+ characters to kill, they will not help each other.
      1 character will attack.
      2nd character will run right through the rare trying to find other mobs (once again, thinking "KS?" perhaps?)

      How can I fix this so they can attack mobs nearby, with questing bot.
      I cannot find anything in singular or bot settings that will enable KS/assist party members such as "Ninja Skin"

      Please help or provide some suggestion,
      Thank you
    2. air

      air Member

      Feb 24, 2015
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    3. Linnoel

      Linnoel New Member

      Sep 17, 2015
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      Thanks for trying to help me :)

      I remember long time ago there used to be an option somewhere to "KS mobs" in HB settings or Singular (I forgot which) and maybe there is a way to enable that with a questing profile.

      I don't usually like to use plugins because when the authors stop updating them, the whole system falls off.

      I have found a workaround.
      It's not the best, but it's working.

      This option should have been basic in the bot, though.
      If you are partied, you should be able to kill steal your own 'party' which is not even KSing

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