Is something going on with HB? Seems as time goes on, it's messing up more and more. For instance... I'm running GB2 mining profiles such as (A)Znuff's Twilight Highlands Ore Run v1 GB2_Twilight Highlands v3.5Alliance w00tsTwilightHighlandsMiningAlliance091811 Znuff-TwilightHighlands-Ore-RoutesBuddy I set them to only mine in the bot configuration, and the settings I have tried setting GB2 to both ninja nodes and not ninja nodes. I've set it to Ignore nodes with elites around it and vice versa. I've played with the height adjustment on all profiles too just in case it might be the profiles might be too high. I sit and watch it as I use the various different profiles and HB misses almost as many nodes as it picks up. I'm not talking about missing one or two here and there, but in an hour's time, no matter which profile I'm using, it's avoiding nodes that is should never avoid. Then of course there is the irritating issue that it detects a node, goes to it and maybe slides off the side down a hill or just falls and instead of trying to find a path back to it and mine it, it just mounts and flies off! I can stop HB, go to the node and mine it and then restart it and wait for it to miss another, then I rinse and repeat the start stop again. In an hour's time I can miss as much as 100 ore depending on how many are norm nodes and Rich nodes that it's missing. It used to never be this bad. Did pathing get mucked up or something?
your log will show us
Attached View attachment 3-7-2012_8_43 PM 10776 Log.txt View attachment 3-7-2012_8_35 PM 5660 Log.txt These are just two pics but I have many more. As stated, it's missing nodes (flying right over them like that arn't there) I stop HB go back and mine it and start it up again.
TY, Cuz this is getting darn irritating. It does the same thing using my mage in herbing and GB2_Mount Hyjal v3.5 profile with Amplify CC. Flys right by more than half the herb nodes.