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  • Pay no attention to people saying this bot is useless/detectable

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by smexful, Nov 6, 2013.

    1. smexful

      smexful New Member

      Aug 20, 2011
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      So many threads saying that this bot is easily detectable so i tried it out myself, used it on a fresh new account and been botting 72+ hours straight, reached from level 1 to 60 really fast only grinding and barely quested or changed areas once i reached 50. I haven't been banned yet and will probably stop now that the new patch is out for a few days. Please pay no regard to these threads about the bot being easily detectable.

      Awesome bot, and good job once again with another quality bot!
      P.S. I had currency drops all along so i'm pretty sure i wasn't flagged or anything
    2. Cyphoner

      Cyphoner Banned

      Apr 5, 2012
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      Join a publig group, or even a group with friends and you'll notice there won't be any orbs or scrolls for you either much longer.

      The bot is good, but come on, a little more impartial view would not be too much to ask for, just because it works for you - who never party and only solo 24/7 does not mean it works for people who wants to play with others.
      You're creating the EXACT same kind of thread as the people doing the "this bot suck" but you're using the opposite direction.

      I have been spending time trying to figure out what causes the flag and i've had multiple accounts "flagged" at once or shortly after being in a public group.
      Starting a new account, joini a group instantly, party some, bot - Flag more or less instant.
      Starting a new account, botting, join a group, party some - Flag more or less instant after this.
      Starting a new account, botting, never join any group or interact with any player - Still going strong for days.
    3. smexful

      smexful New Member

      Aug 20, 2011
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      Cyphoner the bot is considered to be new, and the price it comes for is more than a bargain.
      I'd rather bot safely and start playing with the public after i'm done botting.

      Just wait and i'm sure they'll provide awesome new features and maybe some solid profiles.
    4. Cyphoner

      Cyphoner Banned

      Apr 5, 2012
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      I am certain there will be a lot of improvements. I am an old user of both HB and DB(not much DB though), so i know it's nothing bad about it.

      But people still have their rights to their own opinion, and you have to be able to take and handle criticism in a good manner, cause without it, everything would be perfect for everyone - Utopia?

      The thing you, or i don't know is if we all of a sudden get hit by the banhammer. It's not completely illogical that they flag accounts who are playing in party aswell as botting because they can't determine whether this is a botter or a player while someone who uses an account completely for botting alone is way more easy to spot, and eventually ban.

      I would love to hear from the team under the several pages long thread about flagging to be honest, to hear their thoughts on this case too and not just us customers! :)
    5. deductabel

      deductabel New Member

      Oct 22, 2012
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      Been botting 12+ hours a day lvl 65 currently no flag or ban. Grinding ledge merc
    6. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      To be fair, everyone will have different experiences with the bot. What people have to understand is that this is a small indie game where the game developers actively fight bots and rmt, and have been doing so long before ExileBuddy was even released. They purposefully didn't add client sided anti-cheat because they know it's a lot better to battle things at the server level, where bot developers like us can't go figuring out what they are doing exactly and can only guess.

      Consider this recent tidbit mentioned on the forums[1]:
      If you're trying to bot in Hardcore, can you imagine how easy it is for them to look at an average of ~1300 people playing the game in that league to check for people botting? I mean when you are dealing with numbers that small, something like Grindbot might actually stick out not because it's easily detectable, but rather because the extensive data mining GGG can do on their servers can help them identify suspicious playing behaviors, no matter what type of bot you are using.

      So if you're botting hardcore and out of all the people playing, whatever stats they are tracking show yours to be in really high percentiles, then they could put your account under observation pretty easily.

      In the other leagues with more people, perhaps they have to scale down what they do in real time, but in terms of offline analysis and the like, I'm sure they've found ways to deal with those types of numbers for tracking down suspected botters and rmters. As we've seen it's not perfect, and some people do get away with it, but likewise some people do get caught.

      At this point, we are on the lookout for anything that could give the bot away, as well as always looking for better ways to make the bot look more human, but as long as there are a lot of people having good success with the bot, then we can only respond with changes to the bot when people do get banned in a limited number of ways, as there's a lot more than just "find eb users" server logic going on in this game!

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