Hello, I was wondering how long does it usually take for EU resident to lift limitations on paypal account. ATM i have 2500 € on receiving money which resets yearly. I have submited all documents like 8 days ago and still no response from them. Anyone has some experiance whit this?
Well i have called them and if anyone is interested. First if you apply for limit increase they wont review your ple untill u hit that magic marker of 2500 €. After you hit that limit they review your case ... they ask you for documents or review documents you already sent them. Aftre that they respond in 24-48 hours. thants about it. PS documents i am refering to are scanned ID with ur name address and picture and some phone bill or smth similar.
Hmm didnt know they allow that ... receiving money more than XXX per month and still having personal account?
When you pass 2.5k limit you can choose 3 options fo the upgrade. 1 is personal and 2 other options are bussines.