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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by white_boy8869, Mar 4, 2012.

    1. white_boy8869

      white_boy8869 Member

      Feb 27, 2012
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      So for some reason I have been having some strange happenings with HB and especially PB. Not to mention I have no idea what im doing with PB or where/how to make profiles yet (Yes I have read guides but they are very generic IMO) So since I have been playing around with it, I start HB, it attaches, I configure class, then configure bot, Hit the profile and hit load. Tweak my settings a(First question: What do I need to put up in the upper right hand corner for second bot? Or how would I find this out pertaining between different profiles.

      I have mainly been trying to get my priest who is now 140 Mining due to trial and error attempts to level to 525. But I have yet succeeded whatsoever.

      My recent log of the magical disappearing act is attached but I also am curious if maybe there is something I have set wrong with HB. Etc.

      Thanks for the help.

      View attachment 3-4-2012_11_31 PM 11784 Log.txt
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      make a new Hb installation from scratch and use only the essential plugins
      in case you still got issues post a fresh log

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