Credit for the Deepholm profile to BlackPrapor This isn't very advanced, but in deepholm when you have 3 or less spaces left it will use the portal to SW, fly to the front of the AH and sell your Trade Goods and Gems on the AH. It will then fly back the deepholm portal and begin farming again. The PB profile (DeepholmAH.xml) needs to be placed in your ProfessionBuddy > Profiles folder The GB2 profile (11Deepholm.xml) needs to be placed in your ProfessionBuddy > Profiles > HBProfiles folder. I'm sure I'm missing something so feel free to contribute and ask.
Omg, great work mate. I just haven't had enough time to sort that one out. If you don't mind, I'll use your portal code in other mine profiles =)
Farming works great! Seems to get confused after auctioning and doesnt want to click portal back to deepholm. Guessing this is more likely to do with HB?
Been using this, it works really good. Would it be possible to get this to guild deposit or mail to an alt instead of using AH? Would be sweet if you could since mailing isn't working in Deepholme.