Couldn't get it do much in reality, always waiting, never doing too much, was more than likely me though

If I split it then I can set arelog to do each step 1 at a time and figure why it did nothing for me with the combined. Even with the ah.xml loaded it would never ever mail herbs and ores, even if I set the wait times to 10 secs, would just keep standing around, was getting a little annoyed with it
I was doing this
open miner and send herbs and minerals to banker by hand
open banker, run ah.xml thru pb, did nothing except list everything in bnakers bags on AH.
open jc, run combined .xml thru pb, crafted rings etc then sent crafted intems to enc to be DE'd, but also sent inferno rubies to ench, not banker
open alch, run combined .xml thru pb, did jack
open ins, run combined .xml thru pb, made fortune cards perfectly.
open ench, run combined .xml thru pb,de's greens
Again was probably something i did wrong, but I was trying to simulate the logical order arelog would do it in but always fell over or stopped halfway thru the process. I'll do some more reading, make sure I have the right mats and the everything else setup right.
Everything was setup as per the main page, or atleast I think it was, will recheck again with new HB build shortly.