Disclaimer: The Profile Provided is an altered Version of benkorons shuffle profile, so credit goes to him, all I did myself was adding some options, settings, change the mailsend routine, and add new items to the AH profile.In order to support the initial author, you can visit his thread and give him some rep:http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/submitted-profiles/professions/39244-pb-h-jc-alch-ench-insc-bens-big-shuffle-collection.html Purpose of this profile: When i first used bens profile I was really impressed and it gave some great insight to start making own profiles, and as I'm farming Uldum alot, I wanted to alter the profile in a way to make it as profitable on my server as possible, while having some options to alter it's behavior, so here are the features (mostly only listing what I've added/changed): added an option to craft flask and pots instead of milling all herbs will mail excess herbs to scribe added a seperate option to transmute, so it doesnt automatically use heartblossom and carnelians added a seperate option to send carnelians in order to sell them changed mailing routine slightly to account for the changes made will automatically check for crystal vials and buy those if needed things that still need to be done: - Alliance support.All i need in order to do that is the coordinates of an alliance vendor in Stormwind that sells crystal vials. - add support for crafting mysterious fortune cookies (will be done as soon as i have leveled cooking on my toon) - general improvements known issues: Big characters might get stuck, also sometimes has problems to find a path to the vial vendor, since that is not a profile issue i can't fix it and you'll have to wait for an updated hb version. Support:I'm still learning how to make pb profiles, and this is the first one I made (or better altered), but I'll try and give as much support as my time and knowledge allows.For information on how to set up and an example shedule refer to the original authors thread, I won't provide support for that, since that is covered in depth in that thread. If you are having any issues attach a log file. most common mistakes: arelog not setup properly toon names not set options not set, or set in a conflicting way (if you turn on transmute, turn of send carnelians for example) wrong Alchemy level, the goblin racial bonus currently is not taken into consideration, i may change that.
This is awesome, thank you for sharing! I had started using the original profiles, but had added the flasks to it. I like how yours set it up so the option was able to be set to true or false in the settings. I modified yours to add all 4 flasks needed for cauldrons, and potions of the tol'vir. I'd like to add Dalaran support, as Org is super laggy on my server, but the code I copied from other profiles doesn't seem to work. (for buying the vials and parchments). Also I noticed the bot doesn't path correctly to the vial vendor in Org, she wants to walk through the wall instead of the door, so I have to nudge her along manually or she just gets stuck there.
U may edit those for fortune cookies Code: [COLOR=#008000]<!--Sell Fortune cookie-->[/COLOR] <SellItemOnAhAction ItemID="62649" MinBuyout="12g0s0c" MaxBuyout="300g0s0c" RunTime="_12_Hours" Amount="10" StackSize="20" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" AmountType="Amount" AutoFindAh="True" BidPrecent="95" UndercutPrecent="0.1" UseCategory="False" Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" /> [COLOR=#008000] <!-- Mail Mysterious Fortune Card to Cook-->[/COLOR] <If Condition="InbagCount(60838) > 0" IgnoreCanRun="True"> <MailItemAction Entry="60838" AutoFindMailBox="True" UseCategory="False" Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" /></If> [COLOR=#008000] <!-- Make Fortune Cookie -->[/COLOR] <While Condition="InbagCount(60838) > 0" IgnoreCanRun="True"> <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="GoToFlourShop" /> <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="BuyFlour" /> <CastSpellAction Entry="88019" Repeat="1" RepeatType="Specific" CastOnItem="False" ItemId="0" ItemType="Chest" /> </While> [COLOR=#008000]<!-- Mail Fortune Cookie -->[/COLOR] <MailItemAction Entry="62649" AutoFindMailBox="True" UseCategory="False" Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" /> </If> [COLOR=#008000] <!-- Mail Mysterious Fortune Cards to Banker / Banker sends to JC -->[/COLOR] <If Condition="InbagCount(60838) > 0" IgnoreCanRun="True"> <MailItemAction Entry="60838" AutoFindMailBox="True" UseCategory="False" Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" /> </If> [COLOR=#008000]<!-- Go to Flour Vendor --> [/COLOR]<SubRoutine [COLOR=#ff0000]SubRoutineName[/COLOR]="GoToFlourShop"> <CustomAction Code="Log("[ProfessionBuddy] Heading to cooking supplier.");" /> <FlyToAction Dismount="False" X="-8754.016" Y="559.951" Z="158.0059" /> <FlyToAction Dismount="False" X="-8655.583" Y="433.7773" Z="161.0094" /> <FlyToAction Dismount="True" X="-8640.882" Y="422.8946" Z="101.9689" /> </SubRoutine> [COLOR=#008000] <!-- Buy Flour to make cookies -->[/COLOR]<SubRoutine [COLOR=#ff0000]SubRoutineName[/COLOR]="BuyFlour"> <If Condition="InbagCount(30817) < 10 " IgnoreCanRun="True"> <If Condition="Me.IsAlliance" IgnoreCanRun="True"> <BuyItemAction NpcEntry="5483" X="-8610.326" Y="374.0695" Z="99.62305" ItemID="30817" Count="40" BuyItemType="SpecificItem" BuyAdditively="False" /> </If> [COLOR=#008000]<!-- <If Condition="Me.IsHorde" IgnoreCanRun="True"> <BuyItemAction NpcEntry="FIX_THIS" X="FIX_THIS" Y="FIX_THIS" Z="FIX_THIS" ItemID="30817" Count="40" BuyItemType="SpecificItem" BuyAdditively="False" /> </If> -->[/COLOR] </If></SubRoutine>